1ª sessão

Mudança e equilíbrio

Ninguém pode saber se o mundo é fantástico ou real, e muito menos se existe uma diferença entre sonhar e viver
Jorge Luis Borges

-Atmosfera é vapor, em redor da esfera – o Uno perfeito. Fazer e desfazer nos mitos e nos ritos; momentos de passagem, marcas milenares traçadas na Natureza

The primitive atmosphere in which the word “spirit” came to birth exists in us still, thought of course on a psychic level somewhere below consciousness (…) No wonder, then, that the primitive mind sees in this activity of a strange invisible being, a spirit. Spirit, in this case, is reflection of an autonomous affect, which is why the ancients, very appropriately, called the spirits imagines, images.
Carl I Jung, Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 8: Structure & Dynamics of the Psyche


Reason sets the boundaries far too narrowly for us, and would have us accept only the known—and that too with limitations —and live in a known framework, just as if we were sure how far life actually extends. As a matter of fact, day after day we live far beyond the bounds of our consciousness; without our knowledge, the life of the unconscious is also going on within us. The more the critical reason dominates, the more impoverished life becomes; but the more of the unconscious, and the more of myth we are capable of making conscious, the more of life we integrate. Overvalued reason has this in common with political absolutism: under its dominion the individual is pauperized.
Carl Gustav Jung (1934)

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